What is FSSAI License Number?

It is mandatory for every food business operator (FBO) to apply for FSSAI license number before starting any food related business. FSSAI license number is a 14 digit license number assigned to every food business operator (FBO) under food licensing authority of India. The FSSAI license number is assigned to food operators like manufacturers, retailers, marketers, transporters, distributor’s etc. and it is issued by both central and state licensing authority. The main purpose of assigning FSSAI license number to any product is to ensure that the particular product has gone through certain quality checks and doesn’t cause any ill effect on the health of the consumer.

Check FSSAI License Number Online

How to Check FSSAI License Number Online?

You need to follow certain steps in order to check your FSSAI license number online

Step 1 - Go to the official website https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/cmsweb/TrackFBO.aspx and enter your license/registration number in the given field as shown in the image below

Go to the Official Website

Step 2 - Enter your FSSAI license number & click on submit. Kindly enter your FSSAI license number correctly and make sure that you need to enter 14 digits.

Enter your Fssai License Number

Step 3 - In case by mistake, you put an invalid number in the given box, an error message will be displayed over the screen and alert you to enter the correct license number as you are seeing in the image below

Enter the Correct License Number

Step 4 - If you click on submit after submitting the valid license number, it will display the status as well as the details of the food business operator which includes the following

  • License/registration number
  • Expiry date
  • Kind of business
  • Products
  • Status
  • Company name
  • Premises address
Submit the Valid License Number

The maximum validity of food business license is 5 years and after its completion, you need to renew your food license again for smooth functioning of your business operations.

If you are looking for any help in acquiring FSSAI license or FSSAI Renewal, Call us at +91-8800221252 or you can also email us at info@finacbooks.com

Also Read

How to Renew Your FSSAI Food License?

Tips to Avoid Delay in FSSAI Food License

Food Safety and Standards Requirements for FBO

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