Many students have seen a dream of becoming a lawyer in India. The deep study of law consists of various rules, sections and provisions which are to be used for the betterment of the people and for changing lives by providing justice to them. Being a lawyer makes you aware not only about the laws but also to the culture & hierarchy of society. A lawyer should have some knowledge about human psychology too. A lawyer is a respected post and can bring balance to any of the given society. We are providing you information about how to become a lawyer in India and sure that the information written below in this article will help you in becoming a good lawyer.

Steps of becoming a lawyer in India
Becoming a good lawyer is not an easy task as it needs lots of knowledge, sincerity and dedication. Follow the below mentioned steps and understand the process of becoming a lawyer in India –
Make your Decision
You need to make a decision of pursuing law either after 12th or after graduation.
If you want to pursue law after 12th Class
In case you want to become a lawyer and ready to pursue law after passing the 12th Exam, you need to prepare yourself for the following degrees –
If you want to pursue law after graduation
In case you want to become a lawyer and ready to pursue your law career in a specific field, you need to hold a bachelor degree first and then you can pursue law as a career further.
Qualify Yourself
Attain good marks
If you will attain good marks, it will boost your application for admission in law institutions. Make sure to keep your percentile score above 55%. Top law institutions prefer the students having percentage of 85% in graduation along with eligible entrance scores.
Information about Entrance Test & it's Eligibility Criteria
You need to score high GPA along with good score in your entrance exam in order to get admission in top ranking law institutions of India.
CLAT exam is a written examination conducted for Indian nationals and NRI’s alone. In case you are an NRI & want to pursue your career as a lawyer in India, contact the university and know the procedure of international students admission.
Exam Pattern of CLAT Exam
There is an exam pattern for CLAT exam which you need to take care of before starting your preparation –
LSAT Exam - India vs. Abroad
Law school admission test (LSAT) is a test conducted six times annually to judge the critical and analytical skills of the candidates across the world. Scores earned by the candidates in LSAT exam are considered mandatory by the higher-ranked universities across the world.
LSAT India - It is a standardized test conducted by the law school admission council in order to provide admissions to the test giving candidates in the top law schools of India. LSAT India is conducted once annually.
LSAT abroad – LSAT abroad is a standardized test conducted by the law school admission council in order to provide admission to the test giving candidates into the top law schools of the world excluding India. For admissions abroad, LSAT is conducted 4 times in a year (in the month of February, June, September/October, December)
Apply for Entrance Test
Registration for Law Admission Test
Common law admission test score has a great significance and it helps in make your application strong and stands out among other applicants. Before giving this entrance, prepare yourself properly. After preparation, you can register for law admission test on the official web portal.
In case you want to become a lawyer within few years after doing graduation, put an exam application in the month of September/October in your graduation year.
Prepare yourself properly
CLAT is a 2 hour examination conducted once annually and its score is valid for one year. This test checks your reading comprehension, analytical, aptitude and logical reasoning skills and adds great value to your application. It contains set of 5 sections having multiple choice questions. As per the examination pattern, you will score 1 mark for each correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted, if the answer is wrong.
Reappear if you are not satisfied
In case you are unable to clear the examination or not satisfied with the score, you can reappear in the exam as there is no upper limit specified for pursuing law in India. Law institutions want a score of 50% or above in CLAT exam. In case you fail to score even 50%, you can appear for the exam next year again as you can give as many attempts as you want to give.
Apply for Law School Admission
Don’t forget to include important documents
After clearing your entrance exam, the next objective for you is to apply for credential assembly service (CAS) as early as possible. Buy your CAS service as early as possible which is used by most of the law schools. When you send your transcripts, score and recommendation letter, a file is created and these copies are sent to law schools. There are certain documents which you need to take care of –
Choose a good law college with the help of entrance score
Choose a good law college by considering the below mentioned points –
Note - You have no restrictions and can apply for as many colleges as you can to increase your acceptance rate.
Steps after taking admission in Law School
Search for Jobs
There are two ways to search a job –
Lawyer Duties
Lawyer performs their daily duties as per their client needs and area of specialization. Hence, it does some or all of the following duties –
Lawyer Skills
It’s not easy to become a lawyer. You need some special skills and polishing on regular basis to achieve the status of a lawyer. Some of the important skills which a lawyer must possess are as follows –
Lawyer Qualities
Good qualities are what make a person a complete lawyer. The most important qualities of a lawyer are as follows –
Importance of a Lawyer
Lawyer is a very important person for his client as he not only represents him in the court but also advices him in every legal situation. A lawyer not only represents individuals but companies too. It is the responsibility of a lawyer to act in their client’s best interest regardless of how much small or big the case is. A lawyer is a person who possesses the ability to work on big cases such as Civil or criminal suits as per their specialization. A lawyer has only one objective that is to cover the legal risk of his/her client at any cost. He may involve himself in reimbursements & negotiations too.
It is a good career option as you can opt for one/multiple cases at a single time such as finalizing a divorce case, drawing up a will, any compensation suit etc. You can specialize yourself in any of the law suits and accomplish your goal of becoming a good lawyer.
No doubt, it is a good career option but it is a risky profession too. In case you are handling and defending a false case of rape, presenting wrong evidences in court to save your client can also book you for perjury.