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Specialist Accounting Services for Construction Industry
In the construction industry, effectively managing CIS systems and job profits is important. Contractors and subcontractors encounter numerous financial challenges that require expert handling to ensure smooth operations and profitability.
The major chunk of construction industry involves sub-contractors who want an easy & cost effective solution to their tax & accounting needs. FinacBooks not only provide cost effective solution in order to fulfill the tax & accounting needs of sub-contractors but also provide tax saving advices so that you can improve & simplify your business.
Construction industry business is quite different from other businesses as it has very specific and unique accounting requirements. In the construction industry, payroll, accounting and compliances can be complex to manage due to the long life of the building projects.
We fully understand the unique challenges faced by the construction industry. Our specialist accountants are adept at managing your CIS system and will also assist you in maximizing your job profits.
Why choose us?
- More than 10 years of experience
- Dedicated account manager
- Proper maintenance of CIS records
- Strong cash flow management
- Job costing system
- Strict managing of subcontractor and on site employees
- Appropriate time recording & cost allocation systems
- Maximization of job profits