National Skills Registry: Knowledge Professional/Background Verification
NSR Knowledge Professional / Background Verification
EBCs (Empanelled Background Checkers) are the entities which are empanelled by NDML and NASSCOM to provide the services of checking the authenticity of the details registered by knowledge professional with NSR (National Skills Registry). These entities make a record of the background check results on the NSR system.
NSR Knowledge Professional / Background Verification: Standard Procedure
NDML & NASSCOM in discussion with the industry have developed processes of background check, and standardized of format in which the NSR recorded the results. Only those entities which are agreed to develop these standards are empanelled by NDML. EBC has to make sure that the background quality is not down. The background check results are recorded in NSR by EBC. Subscriber companies approved by the registered professional can see the confirmed profile of such professional.
NSR Knowledge Professional / Background Verification: Background Check Request & Procedure
Check of background might be requested by the current company of employer or by the subscriber company of NSR approved by the registered professional or by the professional herself/himself. If a company has make a request for background check the conditions and terms of background check, and needs of reporting are decided mutually by such company and EBC chosen by it. Apart from reporting the results to the company, the EBC will also make record of verification of background on NSR against the information of the professional. This makes a permanent and confirmed profile of professional.
In order to make their NSR profile ready with results of background check, the professional can also request for a check of background on the information recorded by them on NSR. Request of verification can be for personal information such as employment details, technical qualifications, academic qualifications, permanent address, present address, Permanent Account Number (PAN), passport number, father’s name, and date of birth. In this case, request of verification of the professional is referred by NSR system to one of the empanelled background checkers.
Since, the professional makes a request for the verification, the professional needs to pay the verification charges to the EBC. The EBC will contact the professional for collection of needed fee and documents for verification processing. Details submitted by the professionals will cross-checked by the EBCs from the information source. For example, qualification is verified by visiting the concerned university, college or institutions, and employment information is verified by visiting the employer companies, and address through personal visit.
NSR Knowledge Professional / Background Verification: Baseline Verification
To provide the facility to the professionals registered in the database for important information, the concept of “baseline verification” is initiated. Verification of baseline of a profile includes one employment details, one technical qualification, one academic qualification, permanent address, present address, PAN, passport number, father’s name, and date of birth. The charges of baseline verification are Rs. 1800 plus applicable taxes and actual fees paid by EBC (if any) to institution/college/university for verification. The professional requesting the verification needs to pay the fee directly to the related EBC and will be paid before the EBC initiates the process of verification.
NSR Knowledge Professional / Background Verification: Verification Comments
After finishing the verification, the EBC will make a record of their findings in the form of comments of verification against the information of the professional on NSR system. These comments can be view by the companies approved by the professional, employer of professional and the professional itself.
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Prakash Verma

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Pradeep Kochhar

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